My story
Hey beautiful souls, welcome to my story. I'm Heemali – a trauma-informed yoga teacher, corporate wellbeing consultant, and women’s health coach. My work revolves around trauma healing, nervous system regulation, and supporting women’s health.
I stumbled upon trauma-sensitive practices during my own healing journey and was shocked to find that not every practitioner was trauma-informed. I worked with some pretty awful facilitators along the way, but I was lucky enough to find a few incredible ones who really helped me transform, guiding me through shadow work and helping me become who I want to be – not what society expected me to be.
Originally, I was trained as a dancer, and I’ve always been fascinated by what the body can do. But the pressures of the dance industry, along with toxic teachers, led me to develop body dysmorphia – something I didn’t even realise was happening at the time. I couldn't see myself for the goddess that I was, and my inner narrative started to change. I began to resent myself for “not being good enough,” pushing down big emotions with no tools to deal with them. Eventually, this started affecting my menstrual cycle. I went months without a period, was put on the combined pill (which only made things worse), gained weight, and struggled with acne, mood swings, and even unwanted hair growth, in places a teenager really doesn't want hair – if you know what I mean! Back then, I ignored what I was feeling because, well, that’s what I thought you were supposed to do, right? Just power through. Plus, there wasn’t much support or awareness back then. My GP was awful, and my parents didn’t know about mental health because nobody did – not even me.
In my early 20s, I spent a lot of time running away from my reality, suppressing my emotions by traveling. I immersed myself in new cultures, tried (and failed) at languages, and explored six out of seven continents (Antarctica was just too cold for me!). But during my last trip to South America, things took a turn. I started experiencing symptoms of anxiety and claustrophobia – again, not knowing what it was at the time. I remember being on a tour of the mines in Potosi, Bolivia, and feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I had to rip off my helmet and overalls in a tight space and was rushed out of the mines. This was the first of many panic attacks to come.
When I returned to the UK, I ended up in the corporate world – something I never really wanted to do but felt was the only way to get the house and car I thought I wanted. At first, I actually enjoyed it. I was learning, had a great team, and even got to travel. But as I climbed the corporate ladder, I started losing myself. My targets grew, and my health took a back seat. Work came first, and I neglected my personal life. My work-life balance was completely off, and by the last year of my corporate job, things became unbearable. I woke up with panic attacks EVERY night, which left me running on empty each day.
To make things worse, my nutrition was terrible. I rarely cooked as I never had the time and just grabbed processed food full of toxins, which was impacting my mental health even more. The last three months of that job were some of the darkest days of my life. One morning, after a night filled with panic attacks, I got out of bed to find that my right foot was completely swollen and painful to walk on. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis – that was the final straw.
After that, I took a year off, retrained in trauma centred practices and worked with a trauma coach, kinesiologist, functional doctor, and acupuncturist to undo the damage I’d done to my body. Working with my shadow and feeling the uncomfortable emotions I’d been suppressing was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but it was necessary to get me where I am today. I am fortunate to say that I no longer have panic attacks, body dysmorphia, or arthritis. I now cook all my meals at home and prioritise my wellbeing above everything else. Every day is a learning day, and I’ll forever be on this journey because life happens – we are here to experience it all, both the light and the darkness, to have an all rounded human experience. But the difference is, now I have the tools and knowledge to navigate it all, to be able to feel and embody my emotions to release them instead of suppressing them, syncing with my cycles and working in harmony with my body.
I am passionate about working with people and being able to offer a safe supported space to heal in. So if my story resonates with you or if you’d like to work with me in any way, please reach out. I truly believe everyone should have access to the right tools to self-regulate and find balance. Root yourself, only then will you be able to grow.